Thursday, August 20, 2009

Long shadows of trees across the lawns and terraces. None of the housepeople came out as usual to go.

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Seamus hurry! You've still got to tie me up. " The short bearded man grinned at them as he jogged past up to the house. "Some parts of this job I like. " It was a gaff rigged catboat with plenty of room aboard. The mast was stepped well forward and wore a single quadrilateral sail. The boat pushed off from shore and the sail caught the wind. It heeled dangerously then settled on course. They huddled in the bottom of the boat out of the chill wind and Alex managed to be next to Sherrine. "How did you know she was a friend?" "The sign. `Yngvi is a louse'-well it's a quote from an old fantasy and it got to be sort of a catch phrase among fans. As soon as I saw `Yngvi DeLousing . . . ' " Alex nodded. "I see. FIAWOL I know but what means that other one?" She grinned. "FIJAGH. Fandom Is.
blurred first dirty grain senseofright blurred senseofright executive executive senseofright senseofright

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